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institutionalized patients

时间:2023-07-09 05:30 阅读数:4660人阅读

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Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk among institutionalized patients with schizophrenia receiving long Hui Lin Ong,Mythily SubramaniamResearch Division,Institute of Mental Health,SingaporeAbstractBackground:Metabolic syndrome(MetS)and cardiovascular risk are highly prevalent among Prevalence and Prescribed Treatments of Orthostatic Hypotension in Institutionalized Patients with Parkinson's Disease._J BACKGROUND:Orthostatic hypotension(OH)in Parkinson's disease(PD)is a common non-motor sign that can be hard to recognize and treat.OH prevalence and treatment in institutionalized 。

Are community-living and institutionalized dementia patients cared for differently?Evidence on service utilization and costs of 2.Are community-living and institutionalized dementia patients cared for differently?Evidence on service utilization and costs of care from German insurance claims data[J].Larissa Stroke prophylaxis in institutionalized elderly patients with atrial fibrillation.-临床诊疗知识库To identify patterns and predictors of antithrombotic use and to evaluate the appropriateness of antithrombotic therapy for stroke prophylaxis in institutionalized elderly patients。

Urinary tract infection in geriatric and institutionalized patients.The importance of urinary tract infection in elderly populations and some of the unique features in its evaluation and therapy are becoming better recognized.In elderly populationsInstitutionalized stroke patients:status of functioning of an under researched population.In view of the development of an integrated care and treatment program for institutionalized stroke patients tailored to their needs,we aimed to explore their status of functioning。

An amantadine hydrochloride dosing program adjusted for renal function during an influenza outbreak in elderly institutionalized The concentration of amantadine hydrochloride in the circulation at steady-state in patients who had doses adjusted for their estimated creatinine clearance was not different by Oral opportunistic infections in institutionalized patients with motor and intellectual disabilitiesTo establish a basic strategy for prevention of aspiration pneumonia in patients with motor and intellectual disabilities,we investigated oral opportunistic pathogen(OOP)infections。

⊙▂⊙ Pain characterization in institutionalized elderly patientsThe aim of the present study was to identify the prevalence and characteristics of pain chronic in relation to qualitative aspects and location in elderly(65 the 104 old)Nutritional status in a multicenter study among institutionalized patients in Spaintotal cholesterol,albumin,transferrin,age and haemoglobin.Conclusion:In this multicenter study,institutionalized patients have a high prevalence of undernutrition or are at-risk,as。

